Author: CollabOut

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The seashell of miracles (Vilanova i la Geltrú)

My grandfather is having trouble with his fishing lately. They have had a rough sea for a long time and can hardly find fish. If things continue like this, he and his crew will have to consider looking for another job. This is leaving my grandfather very discouraged. He lives and breathes for fishing, and always says that if they take that away from him, he will have no other reason to live.

He tells me, however, that there is one last hope to regain good luck; when he was young, a legend had spread among his fellow fishermen. It was said that there was a seashell that granted good winds and good fishing to anyone who blew inside it, and obtained the prosperity that any sailor would desire. The seashell was as red as blood, and when you blew it, you could hear the sea with the clarity as if you were among the waves.

But here’s the best part: The first person to find it wrote a little book with clues for the future lucky ones. And guess what, this book had always been around my grandfather’s house. It looks like he bought it at a thrift market, but he had never paid too much attention to it.

Although he is not fully convinced, my grandfather suggests to try find the seashell together, and see if it gives him the prosperity he needs. Nothing is lost to try, right? And let’s be honest, who would be so stupid to refuse to investigate such a fascinating mystery? I'm dying to see if the legend is true!

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Price: 14.99 €
* With a single payment you can play this game as many times as you want with the players that you choose.
For example, if you play a single match with 6 players, the cost per player is just 2.50 €.
Age Range:10 - 99
Time Limited?No
Players:1 - 6

Let's play!

Vilanova i la Geltrú, Plaça de l'Asssumpció

Recommended means of transport:

Here you can find the start location for this adventure:

Approximate route length: 3000m