Fa pocs dies es va incendiar el castell de Tossa de Mar. Tothom recordarà les grans fumeroles que s’enfilaven per múltiples parts del castell, il·luminant tot el poble enmig de la nit. Quan van aconseguir controlar el foc, amb horror la gent del castell es va adonar que els hi havien robat el seu tresor més preuat; una ocarina feta de petxines i diferents pedres precioses incrustades.
Price: |
14.99 € * With a single payment you can play this game as many times as you want with the players that you choose. For example, if you play a single match with 6 players, the cost per player is just 2.50 €. |
Age Range: | 10 - 99 |
Time: | 1:00:00 |
Time Limited? | Yes |
Players: | 1 - 6 |
Mistake Penalizations: | No |
Hint Penalizations: | No |
Recommended means of transport:
Here you can find the start location for this adventure:
Approximate route length: 30m