Author: CollabOut

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Les explosions de CRM (Sabadell)

Sponsored by: NaN-tic

Ens acabem d'assabentar de que la CRM (Congregació de Radicals Malvats) vol fer explotar alguns edificis i monuments importants de Sabadell. 

En aquesta aventura es combinen imatges i contrasenyes. Ja cal que tingueu la ment ben desperta i que tingueu bona memòria visual... si no, us costarà, i molt, trobar els objectius d'aquesta organització criminal. 

La situació és especialment greu, així que potser haureu de preguntar la gent que trobeu pel carrer si reconeixen alguns dels edificis. Això sí, intenteu donar el mínim d'informació, si el caos s'apodera de la ciutat potser no sereu a temps de salvar-la. 

Esteu preparats?

Let's play!

Price: 4.99 €
* With a single payment you can play this game as many times as you want with the players that you choose.
For example, if you play a single match with 6 players, the cost per player is just 0.83 €.
Age Range:10 - 99
Time Limited?Yes
Players:1 - 6
Mistake Penalizations: 10 seconds
Hint Penalizations: 30 seconds

Let's play!

Sabadell, Carrer Llobet cantonada Carrer Salut

Recommended means of transport:

Here you can find the start location for this adventure:

Approximate route length: 1700m

User comments

Pily Sánchez (pilyyy12)
Les explosions de CRM

We loved being able to do this CollabOut in Sabadell. We really enjoyed it and it allowed us to get to know the city better, we will definitely do it again!

Andrea Robles (aroblees2)
Les explosions de CRM

Honestly, we found it very entertaining and we liked it very much. Thank you so much for counting on us, the result will be very cool!

Cristina Vila (cristina_vila_gisbert)
Les explosions de CRM

We thought it was a very good idea to get to know the heritage of the city. We did it quite quickly, in about 40 minutes, because we knew the buildings well.

Cristina Ortega (cristtinaortega)
Les explosions de CRM

The experience has been different from the conventional room escapes, to get to know Sabadell is very good! [...] You can see in our faces that we had a good time, thank you very much for trusting us!