Author: CollabOut

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El secret del Gòtic (Barcelona)

El criminal conegut com el Gremista, que fa un temps va segrestar a tantes persones al barri del Born, està tornant a fer de les seves. Per a qui desconegui la identitat d'aquest criminal, va ser un antic comerciant de barrets en un petit local del Born que va caure en l'oblit per falta de clients, engolit per botigues més noves, modernes i turístiques. Mogut per la ràbia i la misèria, ho vol fer pagar a aquests barris causant rebombori i escampant la por per Barcelona.  

Com que el Gremista va aconseguir escapar-se, no és estrany que s'hagin tornat a donar casos de desaparicions, aquesta vegada per la zona del Gòtic. Malgrat que el Cos de Rescat ha intentat amagar el cas, ja ha corregut la veu pels carrers i els mitjans, i la gent té por de convertir-se en les següents víctimes.  

Aquest perillós personatge us ha tornat a deixar uns escrits amb pistes per resoldre, amagades en la zona romànica i gòtica de la ciutat. Però no és pas el seu nou amagatall l’únic que heu de trobar, sinó també un missatge ocult amagat entre les pistes i que serà crucial per la confrontació final.  

Aconseguireu vèncer al Gremista d’una vegada per totes i tornar la pau als barris de Barcelona?

- Tots els objectes que es descriuen a la història són virtuals, no busqueu res físic!!
- Si en algun moment no sabeu cap on anar, les pistes us indicaran les diferents ubicacions.

Let's play!

Price: 14.99 €
* With a single payment you can play this game as many times as you want with the players that you choose.
For example, if you play a single match with 6 players, the cost per player is just 2.50 €.
Age Range:12 - 99
Time Limited?Yes
Players:1 - 6
Mistake Penalizations: 2 seconds
Hint Penalizations: 2 seconds

Let's play!

Barcelona, Els 4 gats

Recommended means of transport:

Here you can find the start location for this adventure:

Approximate route length: 1700m

User comments

Roomiks (roomiks)
El secret del Gòtic

It is a different and entertaining activity, we had not done any activity like this, it is good to discover the city and do it with friends or family. The website, the audios and the hints were very cool, and we think that the 3 options they give you at the beginning of the game are very good.

Improescapers (improescapers)
El secret del Gòtic

The idea of discovering secrets and curiosities of the city seemed like a great plan. The CollabOut team was very attentive to everything and willing to review its content. For us it's an activity that combines history, leisure and sport in a very original way [...]. We are looking forward to going on excursions to try them all!

Roger (roroco7)
El secret del Gòtic

We really liked it! It was me and my partner and we found it really interesting. We learned new things that we didn't know about the city.

Los Anchoas (losanchoas1994)
El secret del Gòtic

The truth is that you have chosen some very cool areas, both the very touristy ones and some lesser known streets. We had a great time and we think it's a cool game to do with the family!

Judith Villamor (judi_foodie)
El secret del Gòtic

"The Secret of the Gothic'' allows you to discover and rediscover corners of this beautiful neighborhood. We chose the intermediate difficulty, which allows you to spend an entertaining time but in an affordable way for those who know less about the city. Recommended for those who want to spend a different kind of afternoon!

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